Vern Braswell Verzuz the White Cases
There are two criminal justice systems, one White, one Black, and very unequal.
Vern Braswell Verzuz the White Cases
- Read how the all-White TN Criminal Appeals Court treated a WHITE EROTIC ASPHYXIA DEFENDANT VERZUZ VERN BRASWELL, A BLACK EROTIC ASPHYXIA DEFENDANT. The Black defendant's case had way more trial errors, and had evidence of innocence. Guess which one got a new trial order. Apparently evidence of innocence doesn't always matter for Black Defendants. (State v James Young)
Vern Braswell Verzuz the White Cases
- This time the all-White TN Criminal Appeals Court ruled in favor of a White defendant who literally stabbed their spouse in the back - saying their lawyer made a mistake during trial.
Then the same Court ruled against Vern Braswell who's lawyer made the exact same mistake during his trial. Vern's lawyer went on to make many more mistakes during the trial that the Court disregarded. (STATE v. Laurie ZIMMERMAN 823 S.W.2d 220)
Vern Braswell Verzuz the White Cases
- Round Three: Jury Deliberations
- The same All-White TN Court that gave relief to a White defendant based on how the jury deliberated...
...refused to give relief to a Black defendant even though his jury deliberated exactly the same way the jury deliberated in the White case. The jury even indicated the Black defendant was more innocent than the White defendant (State v. Jennifer Collins 986 S.W.2d 13)
Vern Braswell Verzuz White Cases
- Round Four: Hiding Evidence of Innocence, (Bonus Round)
- Braswell's White prosecutor, Amy Weirich, withheld evidence of innocence in the case of a White defendant and eventually gave the evidence to the White defendant's lawyer. When the Weirich withheld evidence in the Black defendant's case, the DA's office claimed the envelope of evidence vanished as prosecutors refused to give it to his lawyers. The all White Judges and the TN lawyer board who punished Weirich in the White case, refused to do anything about the prosecutor in the Black case. (State v Noura Jackson, State v Michael Rimmer, TN Board of Professional Responsibility actions in each case)
Vern Braswell Verzuz White Cases
- Round Five: Witness Intimidation
- Braswell's prosecutor, Amy Weirich, allegedly intimidated a Black expert witness to prevent him from testifying in a White defendant’s case, the all-White judges gave the defendant relief (in part) because of the Weirich’s actions. The same issue was very egregious in the Braswell case but the courts refused to give the Black defendant relief. (State v Joshua Bargery)