Vern's Cancer During COVID Struggles with the Criminal Justice System.

Vern's Cancer Timeline

September 4, 2020 Vern was diagnosed with cancer.

September 2020 Vern requests a medical release from the Tennessee Department of Corrections to ankle monitored home confinement to receive cancer radiation treatments in a sterile environment.

CLICK HERE TO READ: Vern Has Been Diagnosed With Cancer: 3 Ways to Help

CLICK HERE TO READ: Why Vern's cancer is so devastating!

Wed, Dec 30, 2020 - Emergency Release Requested For Vern In Court Due to his cancer diagnosis & deadly COVID-19 outbreaks in his prison.

Read article by local print media about Vern's cancer in prison during COVID:

CLICK HERE TO READ: COURT FILING: MAJOR POINTS AND FAMILY STATEMENT  (Click below to view a copy of the court documents filed in court.

Mon. Jan 11, 2021 - MEMPHIS JUDGE DENIES VERN'S EMERGENCY RELEASE REQUEST without a hearing to evaluate evidence or arguments about his cancer diagnosis and the COVID-19 outbreaks in prison.

Apparently his Black life doesn't matter to the Shelby County criminal justice system.

CLICK HERE TO READ :5 Inmates Died After Judge Refused Cancer Inmate with Doctorate Degree re: COVID Warnings


Since Vern requested emergency release,

5 West TN inmates have died from COVID-19.

4 of the deaths were at the same prison as Vern.

1 of the inmates also had cancer like Vern.

Many others were hospitalized.

July 2021 Tennessee Department of Corrections denied Vern's request for a medical release to get radiation treatments in a sterile environment on home confinement.

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